Medaille Colloredo-Mannsfeld

Medal for the golden wedding anniversary of Maria Theresia Freiin Lebzeltern and Josef Franz Hieronymus Prince Colloredo-Mannsfeld. On the obverse the double portrait in profile. JOSEPHUS PRINCEPS DE COLLOREDO MANNSFELD – MARIA THERESIA PRINCEPS E . GENTE LEBZELTERN 27.MAII. 1841-1891. On the reverse alliance coat of arms of the Princes Colloredo line Mansfeld and the Barons of Lebzeltern under gathered ermine with princely hat, flanked by palm branches, below four alliance coats of arms, the two left of the center under count’s crown, the two right of the center under baron’s crown, below in the center another alliance coat of arms under princely hat; 17 name cartouches arranged radially like a collane, below the central alliance coat of arms with prince’s hat three further name cartouches, above the cartouche ring in the center depiction of St. George fighting the dragon. Silver; dm 8.3 cm; around 1891.Model: © Landessammlungen Niederösterreich, Niederösterreich 3D

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3D Model formats FBX, OBJ, BLENDER, TEXTURES, Materials
3D Model details VR / AR / Low-poly, Textures, Materials, UV Mapping, Scale transformations
Triangles 498.5k
Vertices 249.3k
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