SEA WAVES SEAMLESS OR LOOP ANIMATEDthis digital assets are sure to help you find your creative flow.model provided in different formats ( all are animated / Material not included1, IN ABC ( ALEMBIC) FILE FORMAT ( not work with blender, max or maya compactible2, IN FBX FILE FORMAT ( with mc cache ( max or maya compactible3. Cinema 4d r19 file format ( baked4. BLEND file format ( with pc2 cachevideo tutorial included for importing caches in blender or c4dPlease don’t forget to rate the model, for me it is very important :)If you have any questions, you can contact meMy Email : [email protected]
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3D Model formats | FBX, OBJ, BLENDER, TEXTURES, Materials |
3D Model details | VR / AR / Low-poly, Textures, Materials, UV Mapping, Scale transformations |
Triangles | 58k |
Vertices | 29.9k |
Category | Art & Abstract, Nature & Plants |
Tags | effect, forest, ocean, oceanlife, realistic, reflection, reflective, sea, ship, vfx, water, waves |