As 40 Deep-submergence rescue vehicle

AS-40 Bester-1 Project 18270 The deep-submergence rescue vehicle (DSRV) is an air/rail/roadtransportable manned self-propelled deep-water submersible deployed on mother ships (surface vessels or submarines) and intended for rescuing crews of disabled submarines luing on the seabed, as well as for performing the following tasks:Final detection of an emergency submarine (or otherunderwater objects) by DSRV’s sonar equipment (generally with the vehicle guided from the mother ship) and establishing eye contact with it;Visual inspection of an emergency submarine (or other underwater objects);Clearing the coaming platform of the emergency submarine for landing of the DSRV on it;Docking with the coaming platform of the emergency submarine;Delivery and transfer of life support means to the emergency submarine;

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3D Model formats FBX, OBJ, BLENDER, TEXTURES, Materials
3D Model details VR / AR / Low-poly, Textures, Materials, UV Mapping, Scale transformations
Triangles 28.7k
Vertices 15k
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