Ablasstruhe16. Jh.Eisenplatten mit Bändern beschlagen, geschmiedetes Deckelschloss mit fünf Verriegelungen42 × 75 × 47 cmStiftung Luthergedenkstätten in Sachsen-AnhaltZur Verwahrung der eingesammelten Ablassgelder wurden robuste und verschließbare Kassentruhen benötigt.Indulgence Chest16th centuryIron plates studded with straps, forged lid lock with five bolts42 × 75 × 47 cmLuther Memorials Foundation of Saxony-AnhaltRobust and secure lockboxes were needed in order to store the money that was collected from the sale of indulgences.Literature: Kuschel, Franziska, ‘ Indulgence Chest’, in: Harald Meller et al. (eds.), Martin Luther. Treasures of the Reformation. Dresden 2016, No. 125
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SELLER-USER-NAME | hereIstand |
3D Model formats | FBX, OBJ, BLENDER, TEXTURES, Materials |
3D Model details | VR / AR / Low-poly, Textures, Materials, UV Mapping, Scale transformations |
Triangles | 41.5k |
Vertices | 20.7k |
Category | Cultural Heritage & History, Science & Technology |
Tags | church, history, indulgence, luther, printable, reformation |